More Profit This Week

More profit this week. It's funny because there were trades that went both ways this week, but when the dust settled, we walked away with a 1.5% profit for the week from my trade alerts. Didn't feel huge, yet that's all it takes (along with compound position sizing), to double your money in a year.

Considering that we risk 1% per trade if you're following my position sizing strategy, I think that's really interesting to conceptualize. It means out of all the trades I alert each week, as long as the winners outpace the losers by just one or two trades, we're on pace for wonderful annual returns. It means we can take a fair amount of losses and still be doing quite well.

Of course in reality, our results each week don't follow a perfect line of profit growth. There's lots of bouncing around. But for now, it's been smooth growth for the last 6 weeks and we'll take it! .

One last note: we got a dividend on Walmart this week!

It's one of the perks of doing swing trades I guess. I didn't set up the trade with that intention, but since our trades sometimes last a few days, every once in a while we'll be in the right place at the right time to collect a dividend check. Feels like I just got one of those good Community Chest cards in Monopoly! If you have any questions or feedback, I'd love to hear from you.

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