Mindful Trader Commentary For September 25, 2023

Hey Guys,

The market started out down this morning, but it has climbed its way back to around the same level as where it ended Friday. That level is low itself, though. The S&P 500 is around 4,320 right now.

There is still a lot of red in my portfolio right now. And I took a few losses this morning. My HES stock position from the main account hit its stop loss. I also had a couple stock positions reach their time limits (HAS and CDNS), and both of those ended up with partial losses.

I'm making it a point not to hang on to every twist and turn of each open position. If I dig in too closely to the detail of any given position, it often just ramps up my emotional response even more. I perform best as a trader when my emotions aren't making huge bounds in different directions, so I like to keep my perspective zoomed out. And I especially like to wait until a trade is closed before I put stock in its outcome.

I picked up a few new positions today. I bought stock for TMUS and PRU in the main account. I bought options for BX and TMUS in the options account.

If you have any questions or feedback, I'd love to hear from you.

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