Hey Guys,
The market continued its rebound yesterday, and that proved to be good timing for me since I had all those option positions closing yesterday.
Those option positions had a mixed bag of results, but that was actually great compared to the start of the day, where almost every one was in the red.
After all the dust settled, my options account went up 5.1% this week.
I also had a couple stock positions hit their profit targets this morning (CSCO and ALL). I also manually closed EW since it reached its time limit, and that one came in a bit under breakeven.
My stocks account didn't fare as well as my options account this week, but it did still go up 0.5% for the week.
I now have just a few positions left in my stocks account, and none in my options account. There haven't been any new trades yet today.
If you have any questions or feedback, I'd love to hear from you.