Hey Guys,
The market completed its explosive upward momentum yesterday by finishing the day up more than 200 points. It's holding those gains this morning so far. The S&P 500 is around 3,960 right now.
As far as my portfolio, it's more of a mixed bag today than it was early yesterday. Some industries, namely Consumer Defensive and Healthcare, diverged away from the market and I have some positions in those fields. It was fascinating to watch because the market was skyrocketing and yet tickers like CAG got absolutely throttled.
So I hit a couple profit losses and a couple stoplosses since my last email and my open positions are a mixed bag.
I also took on a full slate of new positions this morning, and many of those are taking heat early here. In the main account, I bought CI and KHC. In the low-priced account, I bought CNC and WRB. In the extra options account, I bought KHC and ABC. I also picked up another set of CAG options since they qualified for my double down trading strategy.
Earlier this week, my patience paid off. Let's see if it pays off again with these healthcare and consumer defensive tickers.
If you have any questions or feedback, I'd love to hear from you.