Mindful Trader Commentary For May 11, 2023

Hey Guys,

The market is down some this morning. The S&P 500 is around 4,115 right now.

I picked up some ABT options this morning in the options account. I initially had the wrong strike price on there (one that didn't exist) but have since corrected it. Thanks for your patience.

I also bought McDonald's options in the options account. A couple stocks set up on the triggered list, too, but I don't have any available buying power to take them on since I already have a full slate of positions in my main account.

GMAB gapped way up overnight. That was a nice surprise. It caused my double down stock position to sell for a price higher than my profit target. And my position for GMAB in the main account is up close to the profit target now after being in the red almost the entire time after I bought it.

I have some options positions that reached their time limits today. I will be closing those near the end of the trading session today unless they reach their profit targets before then.

If you have any questions or feedback, I'd love to hear from you.

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