Mindful Trader Commentary For March 11, 2024

Hey Guys,

The market is down noticeably from the high it set on Friday. After getting as high as 5,189 on Friday, the S&P tumbled and is all the way down to 5,100 right now.

A lot of my positions got dragged down in value with the market drop. My COST position in particular didn't fare well and my stock position from the main account already hit its stop loss.

That said, some positions held their ground. My FXI stock position found a way to reach its profit target this morning despite the market turmoil.

I had a few other stock positions reach their time limits today, so I manually closed them this morning. MOH and ALGN locked in partial profits, while CB took a partial loss.

I took on a slate of new positions today. In the main account, I bought stocks for IR and TTD. In the options account, I bought options for HD and UBER.

If you have any questions or feedback, I'd love to hear from you.

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