Mindful Trader Commentary For June 24, 2024

Hey Guys,

The market is up a bit from where it ended on Friday. The S&P 500 is around 5,470 right now.

I had a couple stock positions reach their time limits this morning, so I manually closed both of them at the opening bell. Both came in with a profit, although it was a pretty skinny profit in both cases.

One of those positions was for ALC, which had been in the red every day since the first day I started the trade, so it was nice to see it slide into the finish line above breakeven. In this case, my patience was rewarded.

I've only taken on one new position so far today. I bought QCOM in the double down account.

There are a handful of other tickers on the watch list that got close to triggering today, but nothing doing yet on those.

If you have any questions or feedback, I'd love to hear from you.

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