Mindful Trader Commentary For June 24, 2022

Hey Guys,

The market held its gains from yesterday and added on more last night. This morning the S&P 500 is up above the 3800 level and exhibiting upward momentum for the time being.

There haven't been any new trades yet this morning. The watch list has been thin all week and none of those tickers have triggered an entry the last few days. With the market showing signs of life, it's possible our watch list will fill up with more tickers in the coming weeks.

My BZ stock position from the low-priced account gapped up over its profit target, so I got a bit of an oversized profit on that one. My DELL stock position from the main account reached its time limit this morning, so I manually closed that. It locked in a partial profit. As of right now, I don't have a single position open.

I won't be available on Monday, so I won't be making trades or answering emails or chats that day. I'll still post a watch list, so if you want to trade in my absence, you can go to the watch list page any time Monday to consider trading any tickers that have met the Potential Entry Price. I'll be back in action first thing Tuesday morning.

If you have any questions or feedback, I'd love to hear from you.

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