Hey Guys,
The market took a mild breather from where it was yesterday, but the S&P 500 is still up at 4,555.
I had a number of different positions close today. It was a mixed bag of results, partly due to those earnings announcements. ABT and UAL reacted well to the earnings announcements, whereas GPC did not and hit its stop loss. I also had a couple stock positions reach their time limits and get closed. And my double down position on GLW finally hit its stop loss after lingering near it all week.
I have a number of options positions that reached their time limits today. I'll be manually closing those near the end of the trading session today unless they reach their profit targets first.
I bought two new positions so far today. In the main account, I bought stock for VMC. In the double down account, I bought another helping of IBKR stock.
If you have any questions or feedback, I'd love to hear from you.