Mindful Trader Commentary For January 3, 2023

Hey Guys,

The market is near where it ended on Friday, although it's been volatile. The S&P 500 is around 3,860 right now, but it was up near 3,900 earlier today. It's snaking around a lot.

I had a five different positions hit their profit targets this morning. They came from three different accounts. It was fun to keep hearing that "cha-ching" sound from my trading platform each time a new profit target was hit. 

That also cleared the decks of a lot of my positions. I like that feeling of locking in a lot of profits and then no longer having much risk exposure, especially in a volatile market. It means if the market ends up taking a dive, I won't feel much impact on my account balance.  

I bought one new position today: CPB in the main account. For any of you who use the triggered list, you may have noticed that CPB options also showed up. I didn't trade them though. The reason is because they overlap a dividend date. You can see that in the column called Dividends Date. I don't take any options trades that overlap dividends dates.

If you have any questions or feedback, I'd love to hear from you.

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