Mindful Trader Commentary For December 11, 2023

Hey Guys,

The S&P 500 got up to the 4,600 level on Friday and is staying there this morning. The market is continuing to show signs of strength overall.

I had a number of option positions hit profit targets this morning. My options for EA, WDC, and PM all got closed with full-sized profits.

In general, almost all my positions are either up or hanging in there. SLV is the one exception. That ticker is not happy right now. But there are others that made big jumps today, like CDNS, NFLX, and PM.

I picked up a few new positions today. In the main account, I bought shares of AEM. In the options account, I bought options for CLX and NUE. I have almost no buying power left in my main account and double down account.

If you have any questions or feedback, I'd love to hear from you.

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