Mindful Trader Commentary For August 23, 2024

Hey Guys,

The S&P 500 had a 65-point drop yesterday, but recovered about half of that overnight. The S&P 500 is around 5,600 right now.

That was the first noticeable sign of a disruption to the recent market strength we've seen. It will be interesting to see how the market responds to that.

I had two stock positions reach their time limits this morning: AMT and CCI. I manually closed both of them at the opening bell, and both locked in profits. They weren't the biggest profits in the world, but I'll still take them.

There haven't been any new trades yet this morning, but we saw a couple of trades midday yesterday. I bought positions for SO in both the stocks account and the options account.

If you have any questions or feedback, I'd love to hear from you.

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