Hi Guys,
The market opened this morning right around where it left on on Friday. It's in a bit of a pullback from its recent surge, so I'm eagerly looking for new trading opportunities.
And I found a bunch today. I picked up NTRS and CAT stock positions in the main account. I grabbed options for CAT and PFE in the extra options account. And in the low-priced account I bought stock for JXN and UNVR.
For that PFE option position, it was for the double down trading strategy. In back tests, that strategy reflects a bit more edge than my main trading strategy, but the trading opportunities are more rare. It doesn't mean this one particular trade is going to win, but the odds might be tilted a bit more in our favor.
I closed out my position for ACI in the low-priced account today since it reached its time limit. It locked in a small profit.
If you have any questions or feedback, I'd love to hear from you.