Mindful Trader Commentary For April 1, 2022

Hey Guys,

The market had a noticeable pullback yesterday. It's the first time we've seen that in about three weeks. Some of my positions went down in value (like DGX), but a number of them held steady (like SGEN and NTR).

One nice thing about the market pullback is that it might set up some trades for me since my trading strategy is based on pullbacks. My watch list is stuffed full of tickers today.

I bought Pfizer stock this morning in the main account. I bought the options for it in my extra options account. I went with the simple call options because the spread wasn't particularly well-priced.

My position for NTR reached its profit target this morning. And as a bonus, I received a dividend on that one while I owned it. That gives me a 15-1 win/loss record over the last three weeks in my main account. It's not typical for my trades to have that high of a winning ratio, so I'm going to savor this.

Yesterday my CVX options position ended up locking in a profit, although it was pretty small compared to its peak unrealized profit earlier in the day. It dropped a lot in the last couple hours before my planned exit. I can't control things like that, so I try to go with the flow and accept that sometimes the timing won't be perfect and sometimes it will. As long as I stay in lock step with the back-tested approach, then I can more easily accept fluctuations like that.

If you have any questions or feedback, I'd love to hear from you.

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